The setup is based on Wedson’s tutorial. This document describes the necessary steps to build an initrd and run a custom kernel under qemu. This custom kernel includes the patches for the PuzzleFS driver.


Install the necessary tools for building the Linux kernel:

  • For Ubuntu, you can find a list here
  • For Fedora, you can find a list here
  • For Arch Linux, you can find a list here

Install qemu.


  1. Get the PuzzleFS branch
     git clone --branch puzzlefs

    We’ll call this path KERNEL_PATH.

  2. Follow the rust quickstart guide

  3. Make sure make LLVM=1 rustavailable is successful

    This is especially important because CONFIG_RUST=y will be silently ignored if the rust toolchain is not available.

  4. Configure and build the kernel
     $ make LLVM=1 allnoconfig qemu-busybox-min.config puzzlefs.config
     $ make LLVM=1 -j$(nproc)
  5. Setup busybox
     git clone git://
     cd busybox
     make menuconfig # enable 'Build static binary' config
     make install

    This will create the _install directory with the rootfs inside it. We’ll call the busybox path BUSYBOX_PATH.

  6. Create a home directory in the rootfs and build a puzzlefs image inside ($BUSYBOX_PATH/_install/home/puzzlefs_oci)

    To build a puzzlefs image:

    • install puzzlefs using cargo: cargo install puzzlefs or clone the puzzlefs repository and run make release

    • create a simple filesystem structure with a few directories and files (e.g. in /tmp/simple_rootfs)
        $ tree simple_rootfs
        ├── dir-1
        ├── dir-2
        ├── dir-3
        ├── dir-4
        ├── file1
        └── file2
        5 directories, 2 files
    • build a puzzlefs oci image at $BUSYBOX_PATH/_install/home/puzzlefs_oci with the tag first_try:

        $ puzzlefs build /tmp/simple_rootfs \
        $BUSYBOX_PATH/_install/home/puzzlefs_oci first_try
    • get first_try’s image manifest from puzzlefs_oci/index.json

        $ jq ".manifests[] | .digest" index.json
  7. Add the following init script in the busybox rootfs (defaults to $BUSYBOX_PATH/_install):

     mount -t devtmpfs none /dev
     mkdir -p /proc
     mount -t proc none /proc
     ifconfig lo up
     udhcpc -i eth0
     mkdir /mnt
     mount -t puzzlefs -o oci_root_dir="/home/puzzlefs_oci" -o \
     image_manifest="c43e5ab9d0cee1dcfbf442d18023b34410de3deb0f6dbffcec72732b6830db09" \
     none /mnt
     setsid sh -c 'exec sh -l </dev/ttyS0 >/dev/ttyS0 2>&1'

    Make sure to replace the image_manifest with your own digest. This init script will be passed to rdinit in the kernel command line.

  8. Generate the initramfs

     cd $BUSYBOX_PATH/_install && find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ../ramdisk.img

    This will generate a compressed ramdisk image in $BUSYBOX_PATH/ramdisk.img.

  9. Run with qemu:
     qemu-system-x86_64 \
         -accel kvm \
         -cpu host \
         -m 4G \
         -initrd $BUSYBOX_PATH/ramdisk.img \
         -kernel $KERNEL_PATH/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
         -nographic \
         -append 'console=ttyS0 nokaslr debug rdinit=/init' \
         -nic user,model=rtl8139 \
  10. Check whether puzzlefs has been successfully mounted:
    ~ # grep puzzlefs /proc/filesystems
    nodev   puzzlefs
    ~ # mount | grep puzzlefs
    none on /mnt type puzzlefs (rw,relatime)
    ~ # ls /mnt/
    dir-1  dir-2  dir-3  dir-4  file1  file2